We provide an extensive catalog of vehicles that have been sold at US auto auctions such as Copart and IAAI for free with final bid price.
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We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photo in detail so as not to buy a car from scammers who have made unscrupulous repairs and sell you a car with a significant markup.
Our website and the opportunity to evaluate how a car was bought at a US auto auction. It's completely free and we don't charge $10-$30 for it like our competitors do.
Carefully inspect the photos of cars that were taken at the auction site. This is very important to understand the condition in which the car was sold and whether it matches the current description of the seller (if you buy it from a third party or company)
Pay attention to what documents the car was sold with. It could have been seriously damaged, sunk, or biologically contaminated. These are all very bad qualities and you should be wary of them when choosing a car.
Be sure to compare the VIN code of the car you plan to purchase and the one that is listed on our website (as well as in some photos). This is important because sometimes unscrupulous sellers pass off cars from our website as others.
Sometimes the car's mileage is changed during repairs and on our website you can find out the exact number on the odometer that was indicated by the auction when the car was sold. This is confirmed data.
It is so easy to do research and selection of your future car!